Keeping Duke Ellington Alive in Matter and in Spirit

Vaughn A. Booker African American religious practices of celebrating Duke Ellington, for example, chart the new lives—or afterlives—that these deceased musicians gain from those left to interpret their legacies anew.
Bodies Down, Bible Aloft: A Humanist Take on Scripture and Trump’s Photo Op

Anthony B. Pinn I agree that if the Bible is to maintain any relevance, a reading of the Bible against the Bible is required—that is to say a poetic turn that dismantles and deconstructs, that renders uncomfortable those tied to restrictive codes of being and well being.
Does Transfusion of Convalescent Plasma Make Us Cannibals?

Manju Lata Prasad But our civilization has evolved since these times and decries all forms of cannibalism.
Islam and Caring Communities

Shenila Khoja-Moolji Muslim ethics, however, guide us to build caring communities. A caring community does not leave the labor of care to the few; instead, it shares this labor.
You Can’t Theologize a Virus

Anthony B. Pinn However, theodicy never satisfies in the long term, and its failure is even more graphic as the coronavirus devours life. In fact, theodicy is a dangerous consideration as it disrupts reason and threatens to challenge faith.
Derek Webb Beyond Belief

Phillip Luke Sinitiere If folk music historically has been an artform of creative social critique, then analysis of Webb’s musical art and artistic production more generally can serve as a collective lens through which to peer into the complex threads of contemporary religion, culture, and politics in the United States.
Trump and the Apocalypse: Or, the Ribald Religion of New Orleans’ Krewe du Vieux Parade

Edward E. Curtis IV and Andrea R. Jain This year’s theme was “Erection 2020.”
What if Satanists Want to Pray in Public Schools? 7 Questions for Joseph P. Laycock

Joseph P. Laycock We held a book release party where a Satanist gave the horns and yelled, “Hail Joe!” at me.
Baptismal Fonts and Brew Halls: A Conversation With “The Church Brew Works” Founder Sean Casey

Madison Tarleton Over the course of our conversation, Sean continued to ask, “what do you mean by sacred?”
David Wojnarowicz’s Christ: Symbols of Hope, Corruption, and Violence