Almanacs and Religious Life? 7 Questions for Troy Tomlin

Troy Tomlin I wondered what these little books could tell me about wider patterns and disruptions in early American religion and, most importantly, what ordinary men and women may have thought about them.
Annabelle Creation: A Creation Story for Catholic Secret Keeping?

Nicole Symmonds All of this because evil is not destroyed at its root.
Living with a Zombie Apocalypse: 7 Questions for Greg Garrett

Greg Garrett The sacred entered into this book in powerful ways, but my favorite moment comes in the final chapter in the book, which basically asks, “Is a zombie apocalypse a bad thing or a good thing?”
When Do Moviegoers Become Pilgrims?

S. Brent Plate The thing is, pilgrimage and tourism are not really that far apart.
Islam and The Americas: 7 Questions for Aisha Khan

Aisha Khan Islam and the Americas shows that Islam, like all other religions, is not simply oppressive, an “opiate” of false consciousness, aggressive, or anti-modern. It is, instead, a multi-textured worldview, a window into history and society.
America’s 10 Commandments: 7 Questions for Jenna Weissman Joselit

Jenna Weissman Joselit No other country made, or continues to make, as much of them as America does.
Living Sustainably: An Excerpt

A. Whitney Sanford Residents of intentional communities perform bread labor, in part, to resist inequitable and exploitive economic systems, and they aim to create systems that are sustainable in terms of economy, equity, and ecology.
How the Hijab Has Grown into a Fashion Industry

Faegheh Shirazi Nike, in fact, is not the first corporate brand to champion the hijab.
Getting Religion in the Museum

S. Brent Plate Situated within new globalized flows of commerce, politics, and culture, the relations between religion and museums in the United States become a productive starting point from which to pursue multiple research trajectories in political, social, and cultural life.
Remembering Prince

Mark Hulsether If music or group religious rituals can change the world—and I think at times they can—then the world changed during this performance.