Decolonizing the Sacred

Lily Oster Drawn to the power and earth-connectedness of Lakota spirituality, white people at Standing Rock too frequently expressed our claims to total access to native religion, and even to leadership.
What a Father Learned from Captain Fantastic

S. Brent Plate Captain Fantastic has nothing to do with superheroes, or anything “super” for that matter.
The Curious Difficulty of a Lonely Only God

Manju Lata Prasad, M.D. The world could be a handful for One God. Wouldn’t it run more smoothly if there were a God for everything or at least for important affairs?
Religion on Display at the National Museum of African American History and Culture

Judith Weisenfeld Fortunately, visitors will encounter aspects of African-American religious life in unexpected places throughout the exhibits that give a broader sense of the places and people involved in this history.
Encountering Krampus: Can Terror Keep the Holiday Sacred?

Joseph P. Laycock Krampus may not have the power to make Christmas sacred, but by bringing terror he at least staves off banality.
Maybe It’s Colbert’s Fault

Stephanie Brehm Supporters claim Trump does not mean everything he said on the campaign trail; that he will not do half of the abhorrent things he spewed. But do they believe that in part because our comedians, the funny, ironic truth-tellers were for so long invested in perpetuating truthiness?
The Power of Names

Hussein Rashid While some of this discussion may seem to be semantic, it is about the power of naming. The questions of power and control depend on the ability to name. Without proper naming, we see conflict where there is none, and read politics as theology.
Hell Houses and the Terror of the Gospel: A Conversation

Kelly J. Baker and John David Penniman Maybe the combination of intimacy and otherness is another way of talking about faith and terror, another way of getting at the particular Christ-hauntedness of the south?
Native American Religion and the Dakota Access Pipeline Crisis

Rosalyn R. LaPier But, despite our 200-plus years of contact, the United States has yet to begin to understand the uniqueness of Native American religions and ties to the land.
Staking Monsters: Killing the Racist Trope in Horror and Reality

Kelly J. Baker How do we create monsters? And ultimately, how do we destroy them?