What if Satanists Want to Pray in Public Schools? 7 Questions for Joseph P. Laycock

Joseph P. Laycock We held a book release party where a Satanist gave the horns and yelled, “Hail Joe!” at me.
Drugs and Religion: Same Thing?

Gary Laderman So, does your chocolate or tobacco consumption “enchant” your world?
Religion (Whatever That Is) This Year

Gary Laderman Still, let’s pray #religiousliteracy keeps trending.
A Night on Drugs in Amsterdam

Gary Laderman It’s not what you think. Or maybe it is what you think. On the other hand, it doesn’t matter what you think…
Psychedelics for Mind, Body, and…Spirit?

Gary Laderman But it is in this more ambiguous, liminal conceptual space, between medicine and recreation, body and spirit, religion and science, that altered states of consciousness and mind altering substances do their best work.
Just Say Yes: In Drugs We Trust

Gary Laderman Anyone interested in the new frontiers of American religion should pay attention to how Americans love to say yes to their drugs.
Baptismal Fonts and Brew Halls: A Conversation With “The Church Brew Works” Founder Sean Casey

Madison Tarleton Over the course of our conversation, Sean continued to ask, “what do you mean by sacred?”
David Wojnarowicz’s Christ: Symbols of Hope, Corruption, and Violence

Rembrandt at 350: Light and Shadow in the Modern World

Louis A. Ruprecht Jr. Perhaps there was a sting of jealous amazement at work here, as Rembrandt notoriously bankrupted in the 1650s and thus worked in grinding poverty for his final decade. The winning and losing of fortune: this is the topsy-turvy, boom-and-bust world of global capital.
From the Madness of Reefer to the Ecstatic Bliss of Marijuana: The Rise of Cannabis Churches

Morgan Shipley However, at the heart of THC Ministry is not a commitment to Christ, but to a foundational and sacred right to use cannabis as a means to raise consciousness, to commune with nature, and, maybe most significantly, “live with modesty, good manners, and humbleness.”