Hell Houses and the Terror of the Gospel: A Conversation

Kelly J. Baker and John David Penniman Maybe the combination of intimacy and otherness is another way of talking about faith and terror, another way of getting at the particular Christ-hauntedness of the south?
7 Questions for Amir Hussain

Amir Hussain I’ve always been fascinated by the life and work of Hank Williams Sr. . . the most underrated American theologian of the 20th century.
Native American Religion and the Dakota Access Pipeline Crisis

Rosalyn R. LaPier But, despite our 200-plus years of contact, the United States has yet to begin to understand the uniqueness of Native American religions and ties to the land.
Staking Monsters: Killing the Racist Trope in Horror and Reality

Kelly J. Baker How do we create monsters? And ultimately, how do we destroy them?
How the Ouija board got its sinister reputation

Joseph P. Laycock By now, most have vague notions of the Ouija board horror narrative, in which demonic spirits communicate with – even possess – kids…The Ouija board, however, didn’t always have this sinister reputation.
7 Questions for Kaya Oakes

Kaya Oakes And yet, there was a real sense throughout doing the interviews that comprise a lot of the book that this was deeply sacred work: holding people’s stories, amplifying them through writing, and engaging in dialogue post publication about this fragile thing we call faith.
To Let Live and Make Die: Human Ethics and Moral Machines

Sylvester Johnson In this new, present age of intelligent machines, religious studies experts especially will be faced with a paradigm shift. They have approached problems of ethics and morality by assuming that moral communities are exclusively constituted by communities of biological humans.
Ethiopia’s Heroic Marathoners from Rome to Rio

Arthur Remillard Heroes, then, ask uncomfortable questions because they have little concern for the world as it is.
7 Questions for Elizabeth Drescher

Elizabeth Drescher . . . what constitutes “religion” and the “spiritual” for most people often has little in common with what scholars study and demographers track.
“New Muslim Cool” as Teaching Tool

Kelly J. Baker In one song, they rap, “We don’t care about the Patriot Act,” and in another, they state, “bin Laden didn’t blow up the projects–it was you.”