Clericalism as a Cultural Pattern: Aiding and Abetting Abuse

Clericalism as a Cultural Pattern: Aiding and Abetting Abuse Michael Horan Clericalism, like racism or sexism, festers within cultures and inside individual imaginations. Clericalism is based on social location in the Catholic church’s cultural system for both worship and governance, a system developed a millennium ago. Theologian Paul Lakeland asserts that all isms at their […]
Manufacturing Consent: Creating Hierarchies in the Guru-Disciple Relationship

Manufacturing Consent: Creating Hierarchies in the Guru-Disciple Relationship Amanda Lucia Sexual abuse happens across the globe and in nearly every environment. Recognizing this, religion scholar Andrea Jain argues that focusing on a specific religious context can be distracting and detrimental to tackling what is a global and ubiquitous problem. She writes, “The appeal to the […]
“I Got So High That I Saw Jesus” and the Ironies of Country Music Spirituality

Mark Hulsether Obviously, this is supposed to be slightly provocative and is not designed to be sung by an average church choir.
Persecution, Martyrdom, and Christian Identity: 7 Questions with Jason Bruner

Jason Bruner For Christian readers, especially those who are familiar with the literature on anti-Christian persecution, I would frame it this way: In whose suffering is Christ present, and why?
When Orientalist Fear Meets Post-Colonial Incongruity: The Veil Simplified through Stand-Up

Lamiae Aidi In this way, female stand-up comedians redefine the image of the veil, by offering other interpretations of the stereotype through a postcolonial humor of incongruity.
Dangerous Pedagogy: Takeaways from Taking Sacred Drugs

Gary Laderman Elaine Penagos Many of us looked forward to each class session and thought about it when we weren’t together synchronously, and there were, we think, even moments of collective effervescence that broke down the artificiality of virtual teaching, and that would have surely aroused Durkheim’s curiosity.
My Joe Rogan Experience, Experience

Gary Laderman A few weeks out, my new mantra is “this too shall pass.”
Natural: How Faith in Nature’s Goodness Leads to Harmful Fads, Unjust Laws, and Flawed Science

Alan Levinovitz Should we value what’s natural or not? When is it okay and when is it not okay?
Religious Exoticism and White Utopias: 7 Questions for Amanda J. Lucia

Amanda J. Lucia That autoethnographic experience reinforced to me the ways in which these scenes privilege healthy and wealthy bodies, which also interfaces with their propensity toward whiteness.
Sewing Stories, Sowing Social Justice

Jodi Eichler-Levine Social justice intersects with Jewish themes in nonfiber media, too.