A Long Strange Trip: Exploring How Yoga-Narasimha Landed on the Grateful Dead’s First Album Cover

Deepak Sarma He did suggest that I try to interview living members of the band but, alas, I am still pursuing that unreachable lead.
A Conversation with Be Zero’s Andrea Sanders

Madison Tarleton The longer Andrea and I stayed on the topic of “sacred,” the more I began to understand the short-sightedness of my question.
How Computer Simulations May Help us Understand Religious Behavior

Wesley Wildman The human approach to processing terrifying events involves an exquisitely complex system of deeply intuitive human responses to emotional, social and environmental threats and uncertainties.
What Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Teaches Us About the Need for Mothers

Richard Gunderman The circumstances of the creature’s birth may be monstrous, but it is not yet a monstrosity. Only by depriving it of any semblance of love does Victor create a true monster.
The Fantasy of Analytics: Religion, Fantasy Sports, and the NFL Draft

L. Benjamin Rolsky In this sense, it may behoove us as scholars of American popular culture and religion to begin considering sport fandom more from a Catholic model of religious studies rather than the more common Protestant model that has overdetermined much of the study of religion since its inception according to the motif of “choice.”
Tortured for Christ in Trump’s America

Jason Bruner Wurmbrand’s fierce apologetics in Tortured for Christ against communism, which he called “a spiritual force—a force of evil,” weren’t countered with a full-throated endorsement of democracy.
Operation Mindcrimes: Heavy Metal Prophecy or Sign of the Times?

David Feltmate We should not be looking at this moment as somehow unique. In fact, it contains far too many similarities with past eras.
Sobchak Nation: The Big Lebowski Turns 20 and Explains Twitter

Daniel Anderson We are all Walter now.
Guns, Again: Cars, Youth Culture, and Playing By the Rules

Louis A. Ruprecht Jr. Whose interests are served by the proposal that the best way to deal with the problem of guns in schools is more guns in schools?
Love and Monsters: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water and its Horror Influences

Amy S. Li While the personalities and embodiments of these fantastical monsters vary from film to film, what ties them together is del Toro’s understanding of their potential to instill fear, but more importantly, to inspire love and empathy amongst humans.