Remembering Prince

Mark Hulsether If music or group religious rituals can change the world—and I think at times they can—then the world changed during this performance.
Amor de Dios: A Reflection on Finding the Love of God

Luís León The Penitente brotherhood emerged in Italy and Spain around that time as a fraternity committed to the imitation of Christ’s passion; their signature ritual was self-flagellation.
The Changing Nature of Sacred Spaces

Wendy Cadge Flexibility is evident in many health care organizations where religious symbols have increasingly been removed from traditional chapels and furniture put on wheels to be as versatile as possible.
Rock ‘n’ Roll Lazarus

Jill Marshall In the Gospel and Bowie’s interpretation of it, the act of coming back from the dead is dramatic and controversial.
Meaning to Life: Coltrane

Something spiritual in the shrieking sax?
Western Sufism: 7 Questions for Mark Sedgwick

Mark Sedgwick Sufis are, of course, always on a search for the sacred. They understand the sacred in various ways, but the classic starting point is the starting point of everything—that is to say, the One of Neoplatonic philosophy, from which all else emanates.
Borders and Walls

Louis A. Ruprecht Jr. But borders are not sources of human crisis. . . until one tries to build a wall.
The Ruling Class: Jeff Tweedy Singing about Jesus

Jeff Tweedy Yeah he’s back jack, smokin’ crack, find him if you wanna get found…
What Makes a Mountain, Hill, or Prairie a ‘Sacred’ Place for Native Americans?

Rosalyn R. LaPier What makes a mountain, hill or prairie a “sacred” place?
Jerry Garcia on the Grateful Dead Concert Experience

Dead concert = religious experience?